
Know Your Strengths – Takeaway Guide

There is a hidden lion waiting to be unleashed inside each of us.

Have you considered that within you lies more strength than you perceive? Here is a quick guide that helps you discover 5 types of strength you can build in yourself.

This Guide is based on Swami Vivekananda’s call to the youth of India: “My faith is in the younger generation, the modern generation, out of them will come my workers. They will work out the whole problem, like lions”

If you would like to attend a free Vivek Capsule that helps you explore your strengths further, please connect with us and we will try to link you up with a  partner center nearest to you.

If you are an NGO/ youth development agency, and wish to become a partner center, do reach out to us here.

Believe in yourself – Takeaway Guide

Swami Vivekananda’s message to us is to believe in ourselves –  “Whatever you will believe that you will be”. This will further help us in manifesting our lion nature. Building this positive belief in ourselves is a constant practice that each of us can choose to adopt. Here is a quick guide to help you in your practice of belief building.

If you would like to attend a free Vivek Capsule that helps you explore your strengths further, please connect with us and we will try to link you up with a  partner center nearest to you.

If you are an NGO/ youth development agency, and wish to become a partner center, do reach out to us here.